Prosthetic Matrices for Upper Limb Amputees – A Guide for prosthetic components for sport

LimbPower in conjunction with healthcare professionals and sports professionals have created a guide to help you understand the best prosthetic components for different levels of activities and different sports. The guide is broken down via limb centre activity levels and by the different sports. It is really important to know that you don’t need a […]

LimbPower in conjunction with healthcare professionals and sports professionals have created a guide to help you understand the best prosthetic components for different levels of activities and different sports. The guide is broken down via limb centre activity levels and by the different sports.

It is really important to know that you don’t need a bespoke prosthesis for most activities. There are some levels of amputation and some activities that do require specific components and we hope that this guide will help you to understand what components will work best for you. If in doubt ask your prosthetist or rehabilitation consultant.